I do not believe in exalting myself to people, but I do believe in my capabilities in work that will undoubtedly impress them, so there is no need to talk about myself. Give me a try.Greetings to all najeeb.112alalwy@gmail.com
2019 Jan - Until now
Istanbul For Mobile Programming & Its Requirements
I am working on mobile programming by Arabizing and decoding all paid and free mobile phones, such as Samsung, iPhone, Huawei, and others... with the highest capabilities, expertise, and the best global programs and tools
مركز نزاهة للتدريب والاستشارات
معهد فرانكفورت ومركز امارجي ومؤسسة اليمن محافظة ذمار.. مركز نزاهة للتدريب والاستشارات.. مؤسسة التنمية الريفية
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