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Heavy Machinery
Construction Equipments
Backhoe Loader

1990 Backhoe Loader Construction Equipments in Sana'a
Construction Equipments , Backhoe Loader , 1990 , New
Sana'a, Amran Roundabout
700,000 YER

1991 Backhoe Loader Construction Equipments in Seiyun
Construction Equipments , Backhoe Loader , 1991 , New
Seiyun, Other
25,000 YER

1987 Backhoe Loader Construction Equipments in Aden
Construction Equipments , Backhoe Loader , 1987 , Used
Aden, Shaykh Uthman
50 YER

1988 Backhoe Loader Construction Equipments in Ma'rib
Construction Equipments , Backhoe Loader , 1988 , Used
Ma'rib, Harib
45,059 YER
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Sana'a, Other
4,000 YER

مصنع مياه جاهز متكامل
Dhamar, Dhamar City
11,000,000 YER

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Sana'a, Amran Roundabout
16,000 YER

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Sana'a, Jadir
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Tractor Unit Volvo 2006 in Al Hudaydah
Tractor Unit , Volvo , 2006 , Used
Al Hudaydah, Al Hudaydah Port
3,754,875 YER

ادوات متكمله
Sana'a, Al Sabeen
50,000 YER

مكينة لحام الحديدالالكترونية لتلحيم جميع انواع الحديد خفيفة الحمل وماتستهلك كهرباء الاقليل مضمونةسنة
Sana'a, Assafi'yah District
43,000 YER

Box Isuzu 2007 in Sana'a
Box , Isuzu , 2007 , Used
Sana'a, Amran Roundabout
16,000,000 YER

Hook Lift Other 1997 in Al-Mahrah
Hook Lift , Other , 1997 , Used
Al-Mahrah, Other
1,000,000 YER
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