Northern Hasbah neighborhood
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Northern Hasbah neighborhood
Drivers & Delivery
زمام النعمان
Sana'a, Northern Hasbah neighborhood
1-2 YearsHigh School CertificateLeadershipInterpersonal
Industrial & Retail
اصيل المقطري
Sana'a, Northern Hasbah neighborhood
Production Worker
NewbieStudentComputer skillsTeamwork
Administrative Support
غدير محسن المولد
Sana'a, Northern Hasbah neighborhood
Current: خبرة مباشره كافي او مطعم in لايوجد شركه
6-10 YearsStudentFast Learner
بدر وليد حسن سعيد
Sana'a, Northern Hasbah neighborhood
Graphic Designer
NewbieHigh School CertificatePhotoshop
Beauty & Health
علي القديمي
Sana'a, Northern Hasbah neighborhood
3-5 YearsDiplomaCommunicationComputer skills
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Accounting & Finance
عبدالله حمران
Sana'a, Northern Hasbah neighborhood
Sales Manager
15+ YearsStudentInterpersonalComputer skills
محمد الورد
Sana'a, Northern Hasbah neighborhood
Sales Agent
6-10 YearsHigh School CertificateCommunicationLeadership
Travel & Tourism
ماجد عوضه
Sana'a, Northern Hasbah neighborhood
3-5 YearsDiplomaTeamworkInterpersonal
Administrative Support
احمد علي
Sana'a, Northern Hasbah neighborhood
NewbieHigh School CertificateComputer skillsCommunication
Drivers & Delivery
اسامه عبد الله حسين المولجي
Sana'a, Northern Hasbah neighborhood
Bus Driver
15+ YearsHigh School CertificateLeadership
Beauty & Health
محمد صالح حسن سران
Sana'a, Northern Hasbah neighborhood
Current: امين مخازن ومدير انتاج وخبير انتاج in عالم العسل
11-15 YearsBachelors DegreeComputer skillsCommunication
عبدالله طلحه
Sana'a, Northern Hasbah neighborhood
Current: مهندس معماري in ديارنا
3-5 YearsBachelors DegreeComputer skillsCommunication
محمود شوقي العري
Sana'a, Northern Hasbah neighborhood
Sales Agent
NewbieHigh School CertificateTeamworkSelf-management
علي فتحي علي عبد المجيد
Sana'a, Northern Hasbah neighborhood
Current: طالب in كليه الهندسه
3-5 YearsHigh School CertificateAutoCADInternet Search
Human Resources
رشيد القطاع
Sana'a, Northern Hasbah neighborhood
UI / UX Designer
3-5 YearsLiterate with no CertificateTeamworkLeadership
Drivers & Delivery
nbj jjh
Sana'a, Northern Hasbah neighborhood
SEO Specialist
3-5 YearsHigh School CertificateLeadershipInterpersonal
Accounting & Finance
Yaser Nuaman
Sana'a, Northern Hasbah neighborhood
6-10 YearsBachelors DegreeComputer skillsLeadership
Guards & Security
علي جمال سالم علامي
Sana'a, Northern Hasbah neighborhood
SEO Specialist
3-5 YearsLiterate with no CertificateFast LearnerTeamwork
مجاهد الفقيه
Sana'a, Northern Hasbah neighborhood
NewbieBachelors DegreeComputer skillsCommunication
ام كنان موسى العدني
Sana'a, Northern Hasbah neighborhood
Current: تسويق وادارة اعمال in صناعة البيع المباشر
11-15 YearsPrimary CertificateComputer skills
Drivers & Delivery
محمدعلي عبدالله سبعان المرهبي
Sana'a, Northern Hasbah neighborhood
Current: سائق اي مركبه in لايوجد
6-10 YearsStudentComputer skillsCommunication
Administrative Support
مجاهد يحيى محمد الصعر
Sana'a, Northern Hasbah neighborhood
Current: مدخل بيانات in محكمة غرب الامانة
11-15 YearsBachelors DegreeComputer skillsCommunication
نصرالله بشير عايض قحزة
Sana'a, Northern Hasbah neighborhood
Current: سائق خاص in سائق خاص
NewbieHigh School CertificateComputer skillsPhotoshop
Drivers & Delivery
علي طاهر الاغبري
Sana'a, Northern Hasbah neighborhood
1-2 YearsHigh School CertificateInterpersonalFast Learner
حمزه منصور
Sana'a, Northern Hasbah neighborhood
Sales Agent
NewbieHigh School CertificateCommunicationLeadership
Drivers & Delivery
بشير سعد فرحان الحاج
Sana'a, Northern Hasbah neighborhood
Truck Driver
6-10 YearsHigh School CertificateBusiness CorrespondenceMulti-tasking
Guards & Security
بسام العنسي
Sana'a, Northern Hasbah neighborhood
Public Driver
11-15 YearsHigh School CertificateLeadershipTeamwork
Drivers & Delivery
الحسن المقبول
Sana'a, Northern Hasbah neighborhood
15+ YearsStudentComputer skillsCommunication
Administrative Support
عبدالخالق عبدالله محمدالرقيحي
Sana'a, Northern Hasbah neighborhood
1-2 YearsDiplomaComputer skillsCommunication
عبدالله حسن محمد العياني
Sana'a, Northern Hasbah neighborhood
15+ YearsHigh School CertificateLeadershipCommunication
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